The Advertising Tool
There is an “endless” supply of sachets!
The HGH Card & Care Service has the adequate packaging for advertising material in the form of these 3 folding cards:
- 1 oblong Sachet => SachetCard 70seventy
- 1 square Sachet => SachetCard square1one
- 1 oblong Sachet => SachetCard square2two.
You can find images of a selection of sachets in the “sachets” gallery selection. The following quartet of 4 cosmetic sachets deserves special attention as their constituent materials are “vegan” and “fair trade”. The spectrum reaches from “Olive hand cream” to “Intimate Balsam Aftershave”.
If you have a nice project coming up “sachet in advertising folding card”, the HGH Card & Care Service offers you the suitable SachetCard with your desired contents. The advantages of the card reach from a generous two-sided advertising space to protected packaging, to comfortable folding technology.