ToyCover Selection

28 or 34 mm Ø!


Product:                           protective cover for love toys
Material:                           natural rubber latex
Design:                             smooth, rolled, without reservoir tip
Coating:                            dry
Protective cover colour:  transparent
Protective cover dimensions:
Length:                             200 mm
Width:                               51 mm
Thickness:                        0.065 mm +/- 0.01 mm or 0.02 mm
Diameter:                          28 mm or 34 mm
Sealing foil colour:
Foil:                                   gold
Print:                                 black
Sealing foil shape:          square
Sealing foil dimensions: 54 x 54 mm
CoverCard:                        1 in square1one, 2 in square2two

The round cover comes in the square foil!