Marketing ideas
1 Idea = 1 Success!
For inspiration, here are 5 interesting projects you might like to reproduce:
1. Marketing Idea – COLOURS:
The colourful sealing foil is available for projects with 3-colour combinations. The main area of use is surely politics. From the “traffic light coalition” to the German “national colours” to the “Jamaica project”, everything is possible.
4. Marketing Idea – VEGAN+ECO:
This project is so “up-to-date” and bound to be a great success. The „Vegan ECO-Project“ with the following highlights is right in line with the latest trends.
+ 1 or 2 vegan condom(s)
+ within a coloured sealing foil
+ FSC-certified cardboard from 100% recycled paper
waste with „Blue Enviromental Angel“ and „EU-Ecolabel“
= The „Vegan ECO-Project“!
The target consumer groups are partial, part-time and full-time vegans.